The Death Penalty – Controversial Topic

For a very long time the death penalty was excepted around the world and it was a great way to get rid of the undesirable people who committed a grave act that was only punishable by death. Those who raped, murdered, and other kinds of cruel acts that a person committed were hung, executed, or even electrocuted. This all depended on where the accused committed the crime. The death penalty has been a very useful way of getting rid of those who do not obey the law and instead do horrible acts that deserves no less than death. People say that the death penalty is cruel and that it is not a humane way to treat someone who is found guilty of a severe crime like the ones I said. It is quite simple for a would be murderer to understand that if he kills an innocent person that was not in the act of defense, he will have grave consequences that are not supposed to be something soft. The consequences must be hard and strike fear into his or her mind. These criminals deserve to be treated hard so that when the news tells everyone what happened to the criminal, they will think twice and there will be less murderers. A man by the name of Bundy, spent nine years in death row waiting for his execution and he committed grave crimes. He “defended” himself in prison interviews by blaming pornography for causing his uncontrollable teenage sexual desires, and for causing him to think of women as objects and not humans.  He attempted to have his death sentence changed to life without parole by explaining that it was all pornography’s fault, and that if it had never existed, he would have been a good person. When that did not work, he pretended to come clean and tell police where the bodies of the unfound victims were, so that their families could have closure. He never admitted that he was a bad person, and just before his execution, he claimed that he didn’t do anything wrong.  It was obvious that he feared being put to death. When people hear stories like these where death row inmates try to escape the death penalty but can’t, they will think twice before committing a crime, because like I said before, the law against these kinds of criminals is supposed to be strong and strike fear into the would be criminals.